Hi everyone! Happy end of Winter! Make sure to click on the links for the youtube documentary and podcast I’ve highlighted below. Some really good content to check out!

February- Black History Month

In 2020 an amazing documentary came out by Mia Donovan titled Dope is Death. It highlighted a history of Acupuncture, previously much unknown, that the Black Panthers and the Young Lords created the first Acupuncture detox program in the United States. In the early 1970’s, Black and Brown communities in the Bronx and Harlem of New York were struggling with a rampant heroin addiction problem. These communities were also extremely undeserved in the quality of health care available to them by their local hospital a condemned facility. Members of the Black Panthers and Young Lords took it into their hands to advocate for better health care and to address the heroin epidemic in their communities. They worked with Acupuncturists to create the 5 point Acupuncture addiction protocol which is still used today to treat addiction. They also founded the Lincoln Detox center and trained themselves and other members of their community to provide Acupuncture to help detox people off heroin without the use of Methadone. This is at a time when Acupuncture was just being introduced to the United States.

Check out Dope is Death on you tube.

March- Women’s History Month

Many of you know, that as of January 2023, the Peoples Acupuncture of Asheville is a woman owned business! I have this privilege due to the countless efforts of generations of women who came before me.

Many of you have read some of the books in our waiting room written by Lisa Rohleder. She is the founder of Community Acupuncture in this country. She owns Working Class Acupuncture in Portland Oregon and has founded Poca-Tech, the only school training students to specifically become community Acupuncturists. She also has a tuition cap for her school dedicated to keeping education affordable. Check out her interview on Qiological podcast where she talks about business ownership and her progression into running her own school.

Aimee’s Trip & Reflections

Aimee’s Trip & Reflections

Hello again everyone! As many of you know, I am newly back from a 3-week vacation to France and Italy. I spent a week in Paris and the Loire Valley with my family, and then did a 2-week road trip in Italy with a friend. It was an incredible vacation and I feel very...

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Spring Newsletter

Spring Newsletter

Happy Spring everyone! Honestly, it feels like it's been spring for over a month or so already, but it became official on March 19th. Happy Spring equinox!  Things at the clinic continue to keep us busy between treating our amazing patients and working hard behind the...

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January 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter

I for one love this time of year. Winter holds the few months of the year to enjoy some real down time. Once I get through the pile of taxes and things I need to get caught up on at the beginning of the year, I plan to dive deep into organizing, reading, and relaxing....

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November Newsletter

November Newsletter

• New Merchandise • Hi everyone! We have been busy this month stocking the clinic with merchandise for the holidays. If you haven't already, check out our new hoodies and tote bags along with our t-shirts, tanks, stickers, and hats. ­During the months of November and...

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October Newsletter

October Newsletter

Hi everyone! Happy Fall! October is definitely one of my favorite months. There is no way not to be moved by the beautiful fall colors, especially here in the mountains. The majestic maple tree in the front yard of the clinic is full in its glorious fall colors. I...

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This ones on me

This ones on me

Hello again everyone! Summer is still in bloom moving on past its peak. I love this time of year with the hot breezes, bone warming heat of the sun, and dramatic thunderstorms. It's not for everyone, I know... Recently, I've had many requests that I do a newsletter...

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