I for one love this time of year. Winter holds the few months of the year to enjoy some real down time. Once I get through the pile of taxes and things I need to get caught up on at the beginning of the year, I plan to dive deep into organizing, reading, and relaxing. I also love winter hiking. My goals for this new year are to simplify my life and to prioritize joy.

As many of you read in the December newsletter, this January marks my 15-year celebration of clinic ownership. I could not be more grateful and proud of the clinic. I could not have done this by myself. I am constantly in awe and appreciation of the network of people in my life who have supported me as a person and as a business owner over the years. As I make a toast to this landmark celebration in my life, I find myself composing a celebratory speech in my head. I decided write out that speech for this newsletter.

I am also including a reading list in this newsletter. There are so many interesting health and Chinese Medicine books some old and some new. I have not read all the books on this list. Please feel free to share your thoughts on any good read on or off this list.


I love reading books from cover to cover. I make sure to read the author’s bio, any intro or prelude, and also the acknowledgements at the end. I have found that one of my favorite parts is the acknowledgements. It’s fascinating to learn about the research team an author brought in, a child or life event that inspired the story, the team of editors and publishers behind the scene as well as friends and family members who helped edit things along the way. I guess in a way, this speech is the acknowledgements page in my unwritten clinic book.

I’d like to first thank my family. My brother Ronnie for believing in me and helping me work through basically every challenge and transition in my life. My mom for raising me with positive thinking and who downloaded her words of encouragement that run in my head when I need them. My sister Dana for teaching me her fierce professionalism and more.

My friend Donnie Hill for his love and support through the years. My women’s business group of Alexis Miller (Cisco Pilates), and Krista Preissler. My dear friend Natalie Bogwalker (Wild Abundance) who has opened my eyes to more concepts of business and financial management than I can mention. To Ramin Sadeghian for changing my life in his 2 hour financial consultation that blew my mind.

To my clinic team of Leah Cheaney (Clinic Administrator) who is always there to help me out and to Tara Bunch and Kat Harrod our most gifted practitioners.

There are many more that could go on this list. Mostly I find inspiration and awe from the amazing women in my life and other women business owners. I continue to walk in their amazing footsteps asking myself “How does she do that!?”

And the biggest thank you of all is to the nearly 8000 patients of The People’s Acupuncture! Holy moly! I can’t even believe it. Thank you for all the years of support. We could not be here if not for you!!

To many more clinic years!!

• Book Recommendations •

Acupuncture is like Noodles by Lisa Rohledter

The Little Red Book of Acupuncture by Lisa Rohledter

Why Did You Put That Needle There by Andy Wegman

Acupressure Self Care Handbook by Roger Dalet M.D.

Miscellaneous Records of Female Doctor by Tan Yunxian

The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford

Memoires of a Senior Acupuncturist by Mirriam Lee

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmer

The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan

Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver

• New Hire •

I have brought on a new practitioner as a substitute! Welcome Mary Theus. Mary will be covering shifts here and there when we need some help filling in. Mary is an experienced Acupuncturist who has been in practice for many years. We are excited to have her join us!

• Farewell to Kat •

This February we will be saying good bye to one of our skilled practitioners, Kat Harrod. We have loved working with you, Kat, and we will all miss you! Kats last day at the clinic will be Saturday February 10th. Come get treatments from her before she moves on to her next adventure.

Late Fall Newsletter

Late Fall Newsletter

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone's digestions are recovering from their Thanksgiving feast! I love this time of year with the cold temperatures setting in. I've been digging into getting cozy. Hope you all are too! After 15 years of working Sundays, many of you have...

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Aimee’s Trip & Reflections

Aimee’s Trip & Reflections

Hello again everyone! As many of you know, I am newly back from a 3-week vacation to France and Italy. I spent a week in Paris and the Loire Valley with my family, and then did a 2-week road trip in Italy with a friend. It was an incredible vacation and I feel very...

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Spring Newsletter

Spring Newsletter

Happy Spring everyone! Honestly, it feels like it's been spring for over a month or so already, but it became official on March 19th. Happy Spring equinox!  Things at the clinic continue to keep us busy between treating our amazing patients and working hard behind the...

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November Newsletter

November Newsletter

• New Merchandise • Hi everyone! We have been busy this month stocking the clinic with merchandise for the holidays. If you haven't already, check out our new hoodies and tote bags along with our t-shirts, tanks, stickers, and hats. ­During the months of November and...

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October Newsletter

October Newsletter

Hi everyone! Happy Fall! October is definitely one of my favorite months. There is no way not to be moved by the beautiful fall colors, especially here in the mountains. The majestic maple tree in the front yard of the clinic is full in its glorious fall colors. I...

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This ones on me

This ones on me

Hello again everyone! Summer is still in bloom moving on past its peak. I love this time of year with the hot breezes, bone warming heat of the sun, and dramatic thunderstorms. It's not for everyone, I know... Recently, I've had many requests that I do a newsletter...

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