Happy Spring everyone! I love this time of year! So many things in bloom! Phlox, Dogwoods, Irises, Asters, Tiger Lilies, Azaleas! Its enough to make you sneeze, I know, but also so beautiful!! There are a lot of new things popping up at the clinic as well so I wanted to dedicate this Newsletter to sharing some updates with everyone.

*First of all, many of you already know that Sam is leaving at the end of June. He will be missed for sure. Come see him for a treatment before he goes! I am hard at work interviewing and spreading the word to find a new practitioner or 2 to replace him. I will keep everyone posted on my progress. Joining on as a practitioner at the People’s Acupuncture of Asheville is an amazing opportunity for the right person.

*I have switched our land line phone to a cell phone! We have the same phone number as always but now you can text us as well as leave a message!!

*You can now purchase gift certificates on our website! Scroll down and click on the “buy a gift certificate button” on the welcome page of our website. https://peoplesacupunctureavl.com

*Another change that you will see starting next week is that you will be prompted to enter a card number to your online booking account to keep on file with us. You can still pay like always in person by cash, card, Venmo or Apple pay, but there will now be the additional option of having us run your card on file. This also enables us to charge directly for things like no shows and late cancellations. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable entering in a card number for us to keep on file, you can always call or text us to book your appointment directly.

*Don’t forget to vote for us in the ‘Best Of’ survey for the Mountain Express!!
Category of Health and Wellness, subcategory of Alternative. Vote for us as ‘Best Acupuncture Clinic’ and vote for your favorite Acupuncturists as ‘Best Acupuncturist’.

*Also, I’m considering dropping the mask requirement at the clinic and making it optional at some point this Spring or Summer. While y’all are at the clinic please feel free to let me know how you feel about masking. Strongly in favor? Srongly against? Neutral? I particularly want to hear from folks that are immune-compromised or feel most at risk.

Thank you all for being such great patients and community members! We couldn’t do this with out you!

Late Fall Newsletter

Late Fall Newsletter

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone's digestions are recovering from their Thanksgiving feast! I love this time of year with the cold temperatures setting in. I've been digging into getting cozy. Hope you all are too! After 15 years of working Sundays, many of you have...

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Aimee’s Trip & Reflections

Aimee’s Trip & Reflections

Hello again everyone! As many of you know, I am newly back from a 3-week vacation to France and Italy. I spent a week in Paris and the Loire Valley with my family, and then did a 2-week road trip in Italy with a friend. It was an incredible vacation and I feel very...

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Spring Newsletter

Spring Newsletter

Happy Spring everyone! Honestly, it feels like it's been spring for over a month or so already, but it became official on March 19th. Happy Spring equinox!  Things at the clinic continue to keep us busy between treating our amazing patients and working hard behind the...

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January 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter

I for one love this time of year. Winter holds the few months of the year to enjoy some real down time. Once I get through the pile of taxes and things I need to get caught up on at the beginning of the year, I plan to dive deep into organizing, reading, and relaxing....

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November Newsletter

November Newsletter

• New Merchandise • Hi everyone! We have been busy this month stocking the clinic with merchandise for the holidays. If you haven't already, check out our new hoodies and tote bags along with our t-shirts, tanks, stickers, and hats. ­During the months of November and...

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October Newsletter

October Newsletter

Hi everyone! Happy Fall! October is definitely one of my favorite months. There is no way not to be moved by the beautiful fall colors, especially here in the mountains. The majestic maple tree in the front yard of the clinic is full in its glorious fall colors. I...

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