With the turn of the new year, I’ve been doing a little reflecting. This September marks 20 years for me of being an Acupuncturist. Its been a beautiful journey and I have learned so much along the way. I’ve been doing some thinking about what it is that still inspires me most about what I do. Aside from the joy of being able to put in a few needles and relieve someones suffering (which is the most rewarding part), the thing that still inspires me the most is the community aspect of The Peoples Acupuncture of Asheville. I’ve been thinking specifically about what this community has been through recently post Helene. Since the storm I have been treating so many people through the trauma and healing we have all been going through. I have been listening to your stories of loss and gratitude, bravery, and strength. It has been heart wrenching to say the least but I am also so honored to be able to help.
One of the main things that has gotten us through this time is our community. The way that this town joined together to support and help each other post Helene is something we should all be very proud of. Asheville truly has a beautiful heart. We are a strong and resilient community.
I look forward to continuing to support this community in 2025 and beyond. I look forward to seeing this town slowly progress down its journey toward restoration and recovery. We will get there. The Peoples Acupuncture of Asheville is not going anywhere. We are here to continue to support this community however we can and especially through offering affordable Community Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. We hope to see you all soon!
• New Merchandise •

• Staying Well in Winter •
As the weather sinks into its winter thing I have been treating so many illnesses at the clinic. From stomach bugs to coughs to copious phlegm, there have been a lot of things going around lately!
A few things to remember
A scarf is your #1 defense against illness. Wear one outside in the cold and even a light one inside to keep chills from setting into your neck. According to Chinese Medicine the back of the neck and the base of the spine are the main places for pathogens to enter the body.
I always recommend wearing a shirt to sleep for this (and many other) reasons. Make sure to tuck your shirts in the back especially to protect your lower back.
If you start to feel chilled and like you are coming down with something, force a sweat. You can do this by bundling up with blankets, using a heating pad, drinking hot tea, etc. This is more effective than taking a bath or hot shower. This can help push a pathogen out and restore your defensive Qi.
At the clinic, we also have many herbal formulas and Acupuncture points to help ward off and recover from illness.
Pe Min Gan Wan– Many of you are very familiar with this formula as it is one that we often prescribe. Great for sinus drainage, congestion, and seasonal allergies, this is a frequently used formula especially this time of year and during high allergy months.
Yu Ping Feng Wan– Also known as Jade Wind Screen, this is the classic formula to strengthen the immune system. This formula strengthens the body’s ability to stave off and prevent frequent colds, flu’s, and allergies. It is a great formula for teachers or parents with young kids who feel like they are constantly getting sick. This formula is taken when you are not feeling sick, as a preventative. Optimally this formula is taken during the opposite time of year to when symptoms tend to most arise. For example, if you tend to get spring/summer allergies or frequent colds at that time, then the optimal time to take this formula is during the fall/winter. That being said, this formula is effective as a preventative taken any time of year as well and is most commonly taken daily as an immune tonic
Gan mao ling Jie do wan– Take when you start to feel the first signs of a sickness. Chills, sore throat, achiness, early sniffles.This can help push out a pathogen its the first few days it presents itself.
Chuan xin lian– For when you there is a fever or more severe sore throat such as strep or tonsillitis.
Qing Qi hua tan wan– Cough and phlegm.
Isatis 6– Fever and flu.
Yin qiao– First signs of sickness. Mild sore throat and chills.
Bi yan wan– Stuffy runny nose. Phlegm. Post nasal drip. Ear aches. Head pressure.
Huo xiang Zheng qi wan– Food poisoning and stomach bug symptoms.
We have many other formulas at the clinic as well.
• Weather Procedure •
As we head into wintery weather, you may be contacted in the morning or the day before your treatment if the weather prevents the clinic from opening. In general, we try to be open as much as possible so we probably won’t be closed on the milder storm days. However, for the heavy winter storms where the roads and sidewalks are dangerous and most of the city is closed, you can expect that we will be calling you to reschedule.
• $10 Ear Treatments •
We are still offering $10 ear acupuncture treatments for trauma and stress relief for new and return patients.
Stay well!! We love you Asheville.
Love Aimee, and The Peoples Acupuncture of Asheville