Moxibustion is a technique in which a cigar-like stick of dried or charcoaled mugwort is ignited and held over particular points or areas of the body. The burning herb penetrates heat into the body to promote circulation, enhance the immune system, and support the healing process. It can also help turn a breech baby. Please be aware that the moxa will create smoke. Many people think this smell is similar to cannabis burning.


– Moxa stick or smokeless Moxa roll
– A mug or ceramic bowl or ashtray – with salt or dry sand
– A lighter with an extended wand, torch lighter or candle
– Small piece of aluminum foil

Moxa Stick: This looks like a cigar and has a loose herb rolled inside a paper. You can gently tap or roll the edge on the rim of a mug to clear the ash as you use it. Continue to de-ash as needed as you use it to avoid ash falling on the skin.

Moxa Roll: This is a black dense charcoal stick. Do not tap to ash! Tapping may create cracks that could result in the glowing end falling off and burning you. Only roll to de-ash on the rim of a mug allowing the ash to fall in the mug.


Inspect the moxa stick and make sure there are no visible cracks. If you notice any cracks do not use! If the moxa stick has no cracks then proceed to light one end with a candle or something else long-burning. The stick will take a while to ignite and something like a short lighter may get too hot to use. Rotate the end slowly in the flame to evenly light the end. Blow on the lit end to get an even red glow across the head of the stick. Roll the lit end on the rim on a mug allowing the ash to fall inside the mug. As you do this, shape the moxa to create a soft rounded edge like a pencil eraser. The moxa will smolder and burn red all around once it is fully lit.


Hold the moxa like a pen, hover the stick about an inch over the area where your practitioner has instructed. Never touch the moxa to your skin! You can hold the moxa in place, bring it close to your skin and then pull it away, you can make passes back and forth or circles above and around the area. The goal is to get the skin to feel warm and turn a soft pink color. Repeat this for the duration as instructed by your practitioner.
If the skin gets too hot, move the moxa away for a few seconds until your skin feels cooler. IMPORTANT: The area should feel warm, NOT BURNING. Never touch the moxa to your skin!


Moxa is like a cigar. It will burn until extinguished. To extinguish the Moxa, put it into the dry sand or salt in your mug or ceramic bowl, or if you have one, into a moxa snuffer.
Let the stick or roll rest for 10 minutes to ensure that it is completely extinguished. DO NOT use water or anything with moisture to put it out as it will be near impossible to get it lit the next time. Once the moxa is completely extinguished, take it out of the dry sand or salt and set it aside on a plate or safewhere safe where it will not fall. If you don’t plan on using it again soon, wrap the tip tightly in aluminum foil and store in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. NEVER touch the lighted end of the moxa stick, even if it no longer appears to be glowing.



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