Acupuncture can be an extremely helpful addition to any pregnancy. The ideal way to incorporate Acupuncture into a pregnancy term is to start early. There are very few points that are contraindicated to use during pregnancy and these points are drilled into every Acupuncturist during our extensive training. We are all very experienced at how to safely support a pregnancy with Acupuncture while not putting the parent or baby at risk.
Throughout the second and third trimester, Acupuncture can be a wonderful way to support the parent and baby as they progress through this time. Acupuncture helps promote a comfortable and easier pregnancy. I have worked with many many people throughout their pregnancies and in my experience as an Acupuncturist, I have found the best pregnancies and births are the result of frequent Acupuncture. Acupuncture can support back pain, fatigue, insomnia, swelling, heartburn, anxiety, restless leg, wrist pain, high blood pressure, blood sugar levels as well as many other symptoms and discomforts that may arise during this time. Depending on the patient, we may recommend Acupuncture as often as twice a week, or in mild cases, every other week.
As you approach the end of your third trimester, Acupuncture can be instrumental in labor support. As I mentioned earlier, it is best to get started with Acupuncture treatments early on. This is the best way to ensure a healthy and easy pregnancy. Many people, however, wait to turn to Acupuncture till 40 weeks or even further along. This is fine, and we see a lot of new patients at the very end of their 3rd trimester. If possible, however, I strongly recommend starting Acupuncture at least at 38 weeks or before. While we have no objection to helping provide labor support on or past a due date (we have done this a lot and will continue to do so) we strongly recommend getting started a few weeks before you are due. Acupuncture is a safe natural way to support the ripening and readying at the end of a pregnancy. However, like any natural healing process, this needs a bit extra time. I have found the best results come when labor support begins at least at 38 weeks.
Many people are concerned that they will go into labor early if they start labor support treatments early. My response to this is that Acupuncture inherently supports bringing the body to balance. In this case it is used as a way to provide optimal support and nourish the pregnant body to have an optimal experience. It will not force labor early if your body or the baby is not ready. What it will do is mentally and physically support the pregnant parent and baby.
The end of a pregnancy can be a time of exhaustion, swelling, feeling hot all the time, not sleeping, hip pain, back pain, wrist pain, heartburn, breech babies, and also extreme anxiety. This can also be a time of mounting pressure towards a birth date deadline. This pressure can be severe depending on the age and health of the pregnant parent. First babies are notoriously late which only adds to the stress of timing during a first pregnancy. This is why we recommend starting early. Whatever you decide to do, we are here to nourish and support you and your baby. I have helped support bringing many babies into this world and it is a very fulfilling part of what we do. I love getting healthy new baby pics in my email inbox!
Over the years we have helped many people get pregnant. We work with all kinds; those with no periods, irregular periods, over 40, working with a doctor for IUI or IVF treatments. There is a lot we can do to bring the body back to optimal health and promote fertility.
Menstrual issues
Acupuncture can be great at providing support for all kinds of menstrual issues. These include, but are not limited to, lack of periods, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, painful periods, pcos, cysts, headaches, endometriosis, spotting, continuous bleeding, perimenopause, anxiety, insomnia etc. The list of menstrual issues that Acupuncture can help with goes on and on. We are very comfortable working with women who choose to go all natural or choose to take allopathic therapies such as hormone replacements, IUDs, the pill, hysterectomies etc. Menstrual issues can be extremely uncomfortable and life disrupting and we understand the need to seek treatment from multiple disciplines. One thing I do advise, if possible, is to limit a stretch on birth control to 5 or 6 years at a time max. I understand that this may not be possible for all situations. I say this because prolonged use of the birth control pill can result in the disruption of a regular menstrual cycle. It can often be difficult to re-establish the body’s routine cycle after extended birth control use. This can lead to lack of periods, irregular periods, and thus difficulty with fertility. I have helped many people regulate their periods and get pregnant despite prolonged birth control use but I will say that it is more difficult and can take longer.